Domain 8: Workforce Development

Maintain a Competent Public Health Workforce

View the complete Standards and Measures Information for Domain 8 [pdf]

Domain 8 focuses on the need for health departments to strategically approach the development of a competent workforce to perform public health duties. Effective public health practice requires a well prepared workforce. A multi-disciplinary workforce that is matched to the specific community being served facilitates the interdisciplinary approaches required to address health equity and the population’s public health issues. The manner in which services are provided to the public determines the effectiveness of those services and influences the population’s understanding of, and appreciation for, public health. A strategic workforce includes the alignment of workforce development with the health department’s overall mission and goals and the development of strategies for acquiring, developing, and retaining staff.

Domain 8 includes two (2) standards:
Standard 8.1:Encourage the Development of a Sufficient Number of Qualified Public Health Workers
Standard 8.2:Ensure a Competent Workforce through Assessment of Staff Competencies, the Provision of Individual Training and Professional Development, and the Provision of a Supportive Work Environment